February- Romeo and Juliet

Fitting for February huh?

Character of Romeo and Juliet- Romeo Montague- star crossed lover who must choose between his loyalties to his family and his loyalties to his true love. Juliet Capulet- is the other starcrossed lover who feels the same about Romeo and her family.

Main Plot- Holling's father wins the Chamber of Commerce Businessman of 1967 award (more power struggles). Holling asks Meryl Lee out on a date and is not sure where to take her.  Misses Bigio gives Holling her tickets to Romeo and Juliet. Hoodhood and Associates competes with Kowalski and Associates for the bid for the new junior high. Holling show Meryl Lee his father's design for the jr. high and she shows it to her father. Mr Kowalski copies the design but ends up  pulling out of the race. Holling & Meryl Lee fight, but he makes up for it with a romantic gesture. Lt. Tybalt Baker (Misses Baker's husband) is missing in action.  

Holling is? Romeo- star crossed lover with Meryl Lee, he wants to be loyal to his family but also to Meryl Lee. Meryl Lee is Juliet and experiences the same torn feelings.

What does he learn? at first he thinks the play is stupid; he doesn't really understand and thinks they should have just ran off together= to heck with family. Then he turns on "his Juliet" and blames her for lying about the Jr. High design. Finally he understands that its hard to care for two things at once. (pg 152-153).