May- The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark


A Tragedy

Characters from Hamlet-
*Hamlet -asked to avenge his father's poinsoning & is not sure who you can trust, Hamlet's father -as a ghost, *Ophelia -loves Hamlet but it drives her mad and she drowns herself, *Polonius -murdered by Hamlet, *Laertes -son who wants to avenge father's murder by Hamlet  

Main Plot- March is Atomic Bomb Awareness Month. Kowalski and Associates get a contract to renovate Yankee stadium. Holling's father buys a brand new Ford Mustang convertable. Heather runs off with her boyfriend Chit to 'find herself'. Danny Humpfer  is nervous about his bar mitzvah. Holling doesn't want to be his father just yet (pgs. 219-220). Mrs Baker & Holling go on a field trip to see local arctitecture. They go into the catholic church and lights candles together. Holling sends Heather his money for a bus ride home. They meet in the city. Lt Baker was found in Khesahn and writes ..."sweet eyes, I'll be home in time for strawberries."  

Holling is? Hamlet- he starts to question who he is and who he can trust. Heather resemble Horatio who also went trying to find himself. In the end Heather let HERSELF be found by Holling, but Horatio doesn't realize that he himself needs to be found and is "lost" at the end of the play.   

What does he learn? At the the end of Hamlet nearly everyone is dead & Holling finds it hard to believe that their will be any rest for Horatio even though he is hoping angels are coming to sing Hamlet to rest. Possibly the reason Horatio dressed in black all the time and wasn't happy. "Maybe he looked in the wrong places trying to find himself. Or maybe he never had someone to tell him that he didn't need to find himself. He just needed to let himself be found." But he also learns to believe in miracles like a rescue from the Vietnam jungle or a call from your sister in the middle of the night.