November- The Tempest

The Tempest- cursing, attempted murders, witches, wizards, invisible spirits, revolutions, drinking (this excites Holling)

Caliban -his curses, he represents the bad in all of us, Prospero the hero who 'makes everything better in the end, Ariel -fairy who Holling acts as in the play 

Main Plot: There is a stain on the ceiling of the perfect house. Holling is practicing cursing. Hoodhood and Associates won the Baker Sports Emporium. Holling gets the part of Ariel from Mr. Goldman to pay for cream puffs (which Sycorax and Caliban-classroom rats- end up eating). Mrs. Bigio's husband dies in Vietnam.  

Holling is? *Ariel- the crusader

What does he learn? There isn't always a "Prospero" to come and make everything better."And sometimes the quality of mercy is strained."